Shuvra Debnath
Officer- Marketing - Discovering Dimensions
From robotics to business case competitions, organising to debating, Shuvra Debnath always loves, enjoys, and is open to exploring multi-level dimensions and opportunities with the best version of himself. Currently, he is running his B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering at the Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology. Afterward, he wants to design his career as a Data Scientist in the versatile field of Mechanical Engineering.
Presently, Shuvra is a Marketing Officer at TEDxRUET under the Communication, Editorial, and Marketing Team. Also, he is a member of the Sponsorship and Budget Team. As a marketing officer, his core responsibility is to design, build and execute marketing strategies that are at the same time engaging, relatable, and effective. Again, he acts as a bridge between the 2 teams.
Besides his career-oriented activities, Shuvra enjoys very much to study ancient philosophical books as those give him much inspiration, and enthusiasm and increases his capability for critical thought. Among the modern-age writers, Dan Brown’s extraordinary suspension-creating capabilities attract him the most. Also, Shuvra loves to cook, travel, and sometimes do just nothing.